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Pursuing Purpose Before Profit

Our Mission: "As farmers, we seek to heal our relationships with land and animals. We share this healing with our patrons through the food it produces"

   We are a family-owned, family-operated farm following globally recognized best practices in producing food the way nature intended. We believe that if food is grown in balance with the laws of natural systems, it can heal our bodies and our lands at the same time. We strive to connect our patrons to the life that becomes us at every meal.

Integrity is our bottom line. You should be able to trust the food you feed your family. What we offer is the cleanest food land can produce. No fancy marketing or clever sales gimmicks - just REAL food, raised RIGHT.

Watch the video below to learn who we are, what we do, and why we do it.

Meet the Founders: Dustin and Erin


    When Dustin and Erin got married, they lived together and raised American Bison on the land where ZOE Farms exists today.  In 1998, e-commerce was a brand new concept.  Dustin and Erin seized the opportunity to became one of the first-ever buffalo ranches to sell meat online.  Shortly after Sierrah, their first daughter, was born, a few close-calls when handling buffalo lead the couple to decide it was best to sell the herd, and get out of ranching.  Erin turned her full-time attention to raising and schooling Sierrah and Morgan while Dustin pursued a career in the international fitness business.  

    Over a decade later, life for the couple changed again. Dustin and the company he helped to grow had a different vision of the way forward and parted ways.  Erin and Dustin believed that profit is a by-product of doing great things.  It should never be a goal.  They returned to their roots on the land and founded ZOE Farms. They began by defining a mission that puts profit in its rightful place within a food producing system – as a byproduct of bringing healing foods to the community.

    Now that Sierrah and Morgan are married and beginning their own families,  they are focused on building a farming ecosystem that their generations can learn from and grow with.

Our Philosophies

August 1, 2024
We believe that modern advances in technology have a rightful place within agriculture. Starvation on a planet with eight billion people is not from a lack of production. This fact is a direct result of technological advances in food production in the past eight decades....
July 31, 2024
Take thirty seconds to watch this video. It's something we take a great deal of pride in -- because it takes a great deal of work to make it happen.