Newsletter Update 2-4-25
posted on
February 4, 2024
This week, I share some steps we are taking with our flock of laying hens to boost their immunity. Avian Flu is spreading across the country. Our choice is to be proactive in our steps to prepare our hens' natural immunity for anything that comes their way.
Supplements program
Daily Kelp - phytonutrients, minerals, vitamins and pre-biotic
Daily Alfalfa - phytonutrients, protein, fiber for digestion
Daily Activated Charcoal - aids digestion, helps to pass parasites and pathogens as well as binds toxins
Twice weekly raw milk - probiotic, vitamins, minerals, fat, energy
Twice weekly apple cider vinegar - probiotic, pH balance gut, disrupts pathogens, vitamins, minerals