These tenderloin filet steaks sell out as fast as we can cut them. Enough said.
Each filet is cut about an inch and a half thick
"That was the best (steak/burger/roast) I have ever eaten". It is a quote we hear several times ever week. Most people are used to grass-fed beef that should be more appropriately called "grass-STARVED" beef. The general understanding is that you just turn some cattle out to a pasture and let them do the rest. That's fine if the aim is to produce a mediocre product.
What we do here is blend the art and science of grazing management to produce a well-marbled piece of grass-GORGED beef that is second to none. Words can describe certain things, but watch this short video to better understand how we create the gold standard in purely grass-fed beef. What you see represents leading-edge planned grazing management combined with a deep understanding of ruminant physiology.